The Mission

The Mission Begins PART 1

It has been 2 years in the making. Two years of fundraising, numerous meetings, frustrations, sometimes raucous discussions about  the ultimate goal. There was also the uncertainty of supplies that might not be available on time for departure date. It almost did not happen as one of the participants became sick 1 week before departure. There was fear she might have developed pneumonia or at the very least influenza.  A visit to the doctor cleared that up. Although she still had laryngitis and could hardly speak because of her condition, President Cris Aberilla of Zamboanga Hermosa Canada decided to push ahead.

Left to Right: Vi Fernandez PRO, Ben Bernardo , VP Hamilton, Cris Aberilla President,
Dick Fernandez, member, Zamboanga Hermosa Club of Canada prior to their departure from Pearson International Airport Januar 9, 2019

And so it was that on January 9, 2019 four, 70 year old somethings (one of them just turned 80 years old), were driven to Pearson International Airport to begin a journey to participate in an act of kindness.

President Cris Aberilla, Vice-President of Hamilton- Ben Bernardo, PRO- Vi Fernandez and member Dick Fernandez finally checked into Pearson International for a 15 hour Trip to Manila, Philippines. Vice-President of Mississauga , Maricor (nee Barrios) Nery, would join them at a later date.  Their final destination was the southern island of Mindanao and specifically Zamboanga City, in the province of Zamboanga del Sur.

 A little background regarding the Medical mission. There was request made to Art de Vera, the previous president of Zamboanga Hermosa, for Humanitarian Medical boxes last year 2018.  The request came from   Patrick Lee, a local businessman in Zamboanga City and President of Rotary Club West. He had requested 8 boxes of medicines.

Since Zamboanga Hermosa Canada had already decided it would embark on such a mission for 2019 and thus did fundraising via a Spring Dance and a Fall Dance, we were in a position to accommodate such a request. 

But first , a few things needed to happen. Where would we get the medicines? And how will the boxes be transported?

Fortunately the solution was staring right at us.

Located right in Oakville, Ontario is a place called Health Partners International Canada. We just happened to have dealings with them few years ago.  They would provide the necessary medicines and have proven to be a reliable source.

The next challenge was how do we get it to Zamboanga City? One of the provisos of HPIC was that the boxes of medicines be personally accompanied to the eventual destination. They also made it clear that the contents of the boxes be delivered as packaged (i.e.  Not repack them into a balikbayan box for example) which posed a problem. That is a story in itself and won’t be covered here. Anyway it was decided that officers/members of the organization would have to pitch in.

And so it was that President, Cris Aberilla, Vice-President of Hamilton- Ben Bernardo, Vice-President of Mississauga, Maricor (Barrios) Nery, PRO- Vi Fernandez and member Dick Fernandez volunteered for The Mission.

Story by: Jung Aberilla  Click here for part 2